Mandarin Oriental Costa Navarino Resort Reopens for the 2024 Season

Mandarin Oriental Costa Navarino Resort Reopens for the 2024 Season

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Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino, the first Mandarin Oriental in Greece, announced the reopening of the resort from 1 April.

This season, Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino introduces two new villas. The five-bedroom Royal Villa, crafted by MKV Design, joins a new three-bedroom Villa designed by Alexander Waterworth in offering secluded sanctuaries amidst a tranquil oasis with unobstructed views across Navarino Bay. The magnificent single-story Royal Villa boasts five bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom, as well as private spa treatment and fitness facilities. Guests can also relax amidst the serenity of their private pool which offers breathtaking uninterrupted views.

Mandarin Oriental, Costa Navarino is also excited to propose an elevated Spa & Wellness experience. The spacious facility offers seven treatment rooms including a zen-space, a 25- metre indoor-outdoor pool, and a selection of heat and water facilities. A wide range of relaxing and energising holistic Spa treatments are also on offer, including Mandarin Oriental signature therapies and new rituals including The Essence of Costa Navarino.

The resort’s Fitness Centre and its team of expert trainers encourage guests to achieve their fitness goals during their stay, whilst a variety of water activities, from paddleboarding to water skiing, await at the Beach Club.

A wide array of relaxing, cultural, and adrenaline-filled experiences allow guests to experience the exquisite allure of Costa Navarino. Options include olive oil tastings, traditional cooking classes, visits to a wealth of historic sites or exploring destinations in Messenia and the southwest Peloponnese. Golf enthusiasts will likewise appreciate the 18-hole Bay Course that surrounds the resort with stunning coastal views, as well as three further signature golf courses in close proximity.

A new venue, The Private Kitchen further enriches the guest experience with bespoke dining or culinary masterclasses for up to 14 guests. The relaxed private space can host lunches or dinners where individually curated menus feature delicious international cuisine, along with exceptional service and a selection of fine wines. Alternatively, guests may use the exclusive venue to enjoy private cooking lessons, cocktail masterclasses, wine or cigar tastings.

Further enticing dining options include Oliviera Restaurant, where sweeping views of the bay are complemented by authentic Greek cuisine redefined with contemporary touches. Alternatively, Pizza Sapienza by Daniele Cason offers a degustation menu promising guests a mouth-watering journey through the world of pizza.

For younger Fans, this year also marks the opening of the brand-new Kids’ Club, Coral & Friends, where fun-filled adventures and relaxation are set to create lasting memories amidst the beauty of Greece’s coastline and culture. Coral & Friends offers a variety of activities to keep little fans entertained, ensuring a memorable family holiday through fun and age- appropriate facilities and activities. Arcade machines and board games will prove popular for teens and families, while evening family activities such as beach bonfires, a mini disco, movie nights and Survivor games will further ensure unforgettable moments.

Guests are invited to experience The Short & Suite accommodation package with benefits in one of the resorts elegant Suites and Villas with daily breakfast.

Photos Source: Mandarin Oriental Costa Navarino Resort Reopens for the 2024 Season, Hotel News Resource

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